Your Gateway to New Hampshire's Lakes Region

Runway Information

Dimensions: 5890 X 100 ft. / 1795 x 30 m

Surface: Asphalt/Grooved, in good condition

Weight Limitations: Single Wheel: 85,000, Double Wheel: 110,000

Runway Edge Lights: High Intensity Pilot Controlled on 123.0

Runway 08
Latitude: 43-34.197222N
Longitude: 071-25.686667W
Elevation: 545.4 ft
Traffic Pattern: Left
Runway Heading Magnetic: 08
Runway Heading True: 068
Displaced Threshold: No
Declared TORA: 5890
Declared TODA: 5890
Declared ASDA: 5646
Declared LDA: 5646
Markings: Precision, Good
Visual Slope Indicator: 4-light Papi
PAPI Location: Left
PAPI Descent Angle: 3.00 Degree
Instrument Approach: ILS/DME
Approach Lighting

MALSR: 1,400 ft, Medium Intensity

Runway Alignment Indicator Lights

Touchdown Point: Yes, no lights


44 ft. Trees 

606 ft. from Runway

456 ft. Right of Centerline

9:1 slope to clear

Runway 08 Fun Facts

While shooting the ILS or RNAV to Runway 08 you can expect to loose contact with Boston Approach around 2,000 ft MSL.

Don't worry if you can't reach Boston Approach. You can cancel on the ground on 119.85.

Runway 26

Latitude: 43-34.568667N
Longitude: 071-24.454333W
Elevation: 515.5 ft
Traffic Pattern: Left
Runway Heading Magnetic: 264
Runway Heading True: 248
Displaced Threshold: 244 ft.
Declared TORA: 5890
Declared TODA: 5890
Declared ASDA: 5530
Declared LDA: 5286
Markings: Non-Precision, Good
Visual Slope Indicator: 4-light Papi
PAPI Location: Right
PAPI Descent Angle: 4.00 Degree
PAPI Note: Unusable Beyond 6     Degrees Left of Centerline
Instrument Approach: ILS/DME
Approach Lighting

Runway End Identifier Light: Yes

Touchdown Point: Yes, no lights


60ft. Trees 

597ft. from Runway

537ft. Right of Centerline

6:1 slope to clear

Runway 26 Fun Facts

While on the RNAV to 26 the terrain can obstruct your communications with Boston below about 3,000feet MSL.

Don't worry if you can't reach Boston Approach. You can cancel on the ground on 119.85.

On windy days when the wind is right down runway 26 you can expect some wind shear at about 300 ft over the runway.